Want to work as a ski instructor in South Korea with JSKI? This blog post shows you how to get a Working Visa (C4 Visa) to do so. There may be particular differences depending on your country of origin, but the following information will be applicable no matter where you’re coming from.
The best thing to do first is to call the embassy or visit the visa navigator website of Korea.
1. The initial step for application for employment with JSKI is at https://www.snow-recruiter.com or by mail at ski.instructor.j@gmail.com. If you apply by mail, please attach a resume and your ski instructor certificate.
2. You will then be contacted by Jay, and you will schedule a Skype interview together.
3. After you have the Skype interview you will get an email with the necessary documents.
You will get:
- an Invitation Paper
- a Standard Labor Contract
- a Seal certification for the contract
- the Company Register number
4. Next, you need to print out these documents and also fill out the "application for visa" form.
5. You will need to go to the embassy of your country with the following things:
- Your passport
- A passport-photo of you
- The printed-out documents
- The printed-out application form
- An envelope with a stamp to return your passport
At the embassy, you need to present all the things. It only takes about ten minutes to drop these off.
6. It will take up to 14 days to get your passport back.
7. After you get your passport back, you will see that a page in your passport has been stamped with a visa giving the time period when you can enter Korea.
8. From the day you arrive in Korea, you will have 90 days to work. Before the 90 days end, you need to go home or apply for a new visa.
Let us know if you are interested or have questions for JSKI.
Make your ski trip in Korea safe and exciting with JSKI!